Miracote Mirastain


Miracote Mirastain is a co-polymer and water-based carrier concentrate solution designed to be field mixed to formulate an Architectural Accent Stain to color surfaces of many poured-in-place cement, mortar or concrete construction materials. Miracote Mirastain base dilution is achieved by adding a Miracote high-grade Colorpax-LIP dispersion and a specified proportion of a specified grade of a safe solvent to the Mirastain II Base. The derivative product known as Miracote Mirastain is a co-polymer and water-based carrier solution specifically formulated to penetrate concrete, masonry and polymeric enhanced cementitious surfaces to provide color tinting or staining of the surface. Miracote Mirastain is designed to accept most water-based sealers and is specifically formulated to accept Miracote's water-based MiraGard HDWB clear acrylic in water solution; MiraFlor WB, water-based clear epoxy; MiraPrime ML, water-based epoxy; and MiraThane WB. Also, MiraFlor CQ Clear, a high solids clear two-component epoxy; or MiraFlor Glazetop, a high-solids clear aliphatic elastomeric polyaspartic, is often applied as a protective finish on decorative flooring applications. Miracote Mirastain yields a flat luster, which can be enhanced with Gloss, Matte or Satin sealers as desired.

Where to Use

Miracote Mirastain is recommended for use over concrete. Miracote MPC, MiraStamp, Miracote MT, Miracote MT-DP, and can be applied over most cement based self-leveling systems, masonry and polymer modified cementitious substrates when a flat Architectural accent color is desired to provide a vibrant, translucent color tint that transforms any surface into enhanced intricate designs and décor. For added diversity, Miracote Mirastain can be applied over integrally colored substrates or substrate that have received chemical reactive staining to further develop accent color or variegation. Simultaneous application of multiple color tints can yield many interesting tones and mottled effects. Miracote Mirastain, however, will deliver relatively consistent results over Miracote MPC-MT or MiraStamp applications because the substrate materials are factory controlled.

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Where to use:

  • Classrooms
  • Hospital Cafeterias
  • Pool Decks
  • Kitchens and Bathrooms
  • Driveways
  • Patios and Balconies
  • Garage Floors
  • Supermarkets
  • Restaurants
  • Lobbies
  • Shopping Malls
  • Automobile Dealerships
  • Stadium Concessions


  • LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Credit Points may be available under 5 different Classifications
  • Does not contain chemicals targeted by Green Seal Standard GS-11 and LEED-CS as unacceptable.
  • Safe to handle using conventional protection.
  • Easy to clean using water and soap.
  • Can be rolled, sprayed, sponged or ragged.
  • Excellent resistance to most solvent-in-solution sealers (check with Miracote for recommended sealers).
  • UV stable colors: specially formulated high-grade pigment dispersion.
  • Application of interior or exterior surfaces.
  • Color is topical, so there is no reaction with substrate elements to alter color or change profile.
  • No residue to clean up, carrier dissipates and is safe in the atmosphere.
  • Does not require rinsing or neutralization before the application of sealer.
  • Available in all Miracote standard and custom colors. In field variation and flexibility, both dilution and pigment concentration can be adjusted.

Color Chart – Mirastain

Color charts approximate actual color. Final color appearance is affected by lighting, surface texture and method of application. Final color approval should be made from physical sample.

Contact Miracote

Have a question, need a sample, looking for a contractor? Send us a message or give us a call.

(800) 692-3502

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